Good NewsPetsCouple Share Video Of Dog's Last Ever Zoomies And Receive Love From...

Couple Share Video Of Dog’s Last Ever Zoomies And Receive Love From All Over World

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A family shared a beautiful video of their beloved dog, who was diagnosed with cancer, having her final zoomies session on her favorite golden beach at sunset.


Laura Jassowski, 30, shared the video of her pooch, Charlie Ann, 10, running across a Manchester, California, beach online – and the post immediately went viral.

In the video, border-collie-cross Charlie is seen bounding across the beach with Laura’s husband, Marty Ricci, 30, as the sun sets over the sea on the horizon.

The moment took place on Sunday, May 30, and within 48 hours the family had to take Charlie to the vet to send her to Doggy Heaven.

According to Laura, Charlie’s vet found a lump in February, during a regular wellness checkup.


The cancer diagnosis came back positive, with the vet informing Laura and Marty that the variant Charlie had contracted was an aggressive, fast-moving cancer.

For the next three months and one week, the family did everything they could to allow Charlie to enjoy her final months, taking a ‘no bad days’ approach and setting a bucket list of goals.

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These included visiting Charlie’s family and taking her to experience snow for the first time.


But Charlie always loved the beach, Laura said, and so she and Marty made sure a zoomies session on the sand was in number one spot on her bucket list.

The family have a beach house they love visiting – where the couple got married, with Charlie in attendance – and after a trip there, Laura and Marty said they knew it was time.

Having returned home to Sacramento, California, the following day, Marty and Laura heard Charlie in distress, and so they visited the vet late on Monday evening, deciding it was time to let Charlie go.

One night, Laura was struggling to sleep, and as she was scrolling the net, she decided to post Charlie’s final zoomies session – a moment she described as being quite cathartic.

The next morning, Laura awoke to a barrage of messages, reactions and comments – all she admitted were incredibly touching and brought her to tears.


She said: “I spent the first few hours that morning reading every single comment, sobbing at the beautiful sentiments and poems, and reading all the different stories everyone had to share about their pets.

“It really wasn’t just about Charlie; what was really amazing is how so many people seemed to come together and be inspired by the post and were remembering their furbabies, relating their similar stories where they had to let their pup go, or just appreciating their current pet.

“It was incredibly cathartic to cry along with all of these other kind internet strangers who took time out of their day to share their stories and words of comfort with me – it meant so much.

“Having a time limit put on our time with Charlie after her diagnosis really put things into perspective for us and we did our best to pack every single minute with love and affection for her all the way up until the moment she passed.”

Story via T&T Creative Media



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