A kindhearted family on a camping trip rescued a chipmunk trapped under a boulder after being alerted by its fellow critters.
Dan Fowlks, his wife, children, and their cousins became aware of the trapped animal when they heard a squeaking noise at their campsite in Pine Valley, Utah, on June 26.
On closer inspection, the family found a chipmunk beneath a boulder with its tail trapped, as well as two other chipmunks nearby.
At first Dan tried lifting the heavy boulder with a shovel, but to no avail, so he then grabbed a RV jack to pry the rock up enough so the trapped chipmunk could break free.
As the creatures then dispersed the kids, proud of Dan’s efforts, lifted their arms in celebration.
Dan, from Southern Utah, later shared the video on his social media, where his actions received praise from friends, family and members of the public.
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He said: “The kids started exploring the area and heard the sound of the chipmunk squealing – they noticed the tail was wedged between two large boulders.
“At first the only tool I thought to use was a shovel to try and pry the rock up a bit.
“There were two other chipmunks underneath the rock waiting by the one that was stuck.
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“The shovel wasn’t working so I went back to the RV and used the RV jack to pry the rock up enough so that the chipmunk would get free.
“The video has been well received and puts a smile on people’s faces.
“The message that I hope people take from this video is to look for opportunities to help out even the smallest of animals.”