Good NewsHeartwarming GesturesBirthday Girl Celebrating Quinceañera Crowns All Younger Girls in Family in New...

Birthday Girl Celebrating Quinceañera Crowns All Younger Girls in Family in New Tradition, Showing There Is Always Someone Looking Out for Them

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A birthday girl celebrating her quinceanera has captured hearts online thanks to a tradition that sees her crown the next generation of young girls in the family.

During the event, the girl’s mom tells friends and family in attendance how she passed the torch onto her daughter, who is now passing the torch to the fourth generation of girls in the family during the Quinceañera in Bloomington, California.


She tells the mic: “She’s going to crown them, passing the torch onto them, something a little different just to let them know we love them and there’s always someone looking out for them.”

A girl crowns another at a quinceañera
A girl crowns another at a quinceañera. ©@mariafairygodmother / T&T Creative Media

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From there, the young girls, all wearing black dresses, come up one by one to receive their crowns, a necklace and a teddy bear each.

The event was coordinated by Maria Perez, a quinceanera planner who runs Maria Fairy Godmother.


After the crowning, the birthday girl took a picture with all the girls and then did the grand waltz with her court of honor.

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