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Becky Buckle
Becky graduated from Bournemouth University with a first-class honor in multimedia journalism. After spending her last year at university studying throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, she joined our team with the aim to uplift readers with positive stories. When she’s not writing, Becky enjoys going to music festivals and playing the guitar. You can contact Becky at
Good News
Woman Surprised As Parade Of Friends Drive Past As She Rings Cancer-Free Bell
A woman cried happy tears as her friends surprised her by driving past as she rang the bell to announce she is cancer-free.
Good News
Boy Hears Parent’s Voices For First Time As Cochlear Implants Activated
A boy beat the ground with excitement as his cochlear implants were activated – helping him hear his parent’s voices for the first time.
Good News
Military Dad Surprises Kids By Appearing From Behind Fire Engine During Homecoming Parade
A military dad appears from behind a fire engine during a homecoming parade to surprise his unsuspecting kids after returning home from a four-month deployment.
Good News
Students Surprise Teacher On Her Front Lawn As Thanks For Pandemic Tutoring
A teacher looked out from her porch to see her students and their parents on her lawn to say thanks for her dedication to the job during COVID.
Good News
Mom-To-Be Surprises Family With Pregnancy News Using Card Game
A mom-to-be has surprised her family by using a card game to reveal her pregnancy.
Good News
Man’s Incredible Transformation Following Stroke After Letting Wife Cut Hair For First Time In 2 Years
A man looks unrecognizable due to an incredible transformation after letting his wife cut his hair for the first time in two years to thank her for helping him recover from a stroke.
Good News
Daughter Dresses As Waiter To Surprise Mom After 18 Months Away
A mom was left stunned after her daughter she hadn’t seen for 18 months surprised her by dressing as their waiter at a local pub.
Good News
Daughter Travels Cross Country To Surprise Dad With Grandson He’s Never Met
A dad was left stunned after his daughter traveled cross country to surprise him with the one-year-old grandson he was meeting for the very first time.