Good NewsBaby Goes Viral As He Closes Eyes, Bows Head And Holds Parents’...

Baby Goes Viral As He Closes Eyes, Bows Head And Holds Parents’ Hands In Adorable Mealtime Prayer Routine

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A baby has gone viral after his family shared adorable footage of him joining in with their mealtime prayer.


In the video, which has garnered millions of views online, Copeland Claudel is seen sitting in his high chair at home in Belgrade, Maine.

Then, right on cue, when parents Brooke and Nick tell the baby it’s time to pray, Copeland closes his eyes, bows his head, and puts out his arms to hold his parents’ hands.

The moment took place on February 16, and Brooke, 27, later shared the footage on social media where within hours the post blew up with people from all over the world commenting.

Brooke said: “We pray as a family at every meal and around the time he turn one, we started showing Copeland how to hold our hands and pray with us.


“As time went on and we stayed consistent, he caught on little by little and we noticed he recently started to bow his head and close his eyes.

“We just knew we had to record him, as it was such a precious moment to share and also to be able to look back on.

“I had feelings of gratitude and joy when I read the responses to the video, and I was just blown away by the amount of love we have received and support from people.”

Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media



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