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“Do You Know if It’s Gonna Fit Her Big Ol’ Hand?” Stepdad Captures Stepdaughter’s Sweet – and Funny – Reaction to Moment He Asks for Her Permission to Marry Her Mom

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A loving stepdad captured his stepdaughter’s wholesome – and hilarious – reaction to the moment he asked for her permission to marry her mom.


Jordan Sachs, 34, from Long Beach, California, came into stepdaughter Leylah’s life in 2022, building a strong connection with the now-seven-year-old over the months and years since.

Leylah’s mom, Eden, 31, said she knew early on how much her daughter liked Jordan – who she would always ask after, inviting him to events and holidays – but was also worried about her getting upset if the couple’s relationship didn’t work out.

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But as the days went past, Eden and Jordan’s relationship only grew – so much so that, by April 2023, Jordan was ready to propose.

Having asked Eden’s mom and dad for their approval, Jordan knew he also wanted to get approval from the most important person in Eden’s life.


While chatting to Eden on April 13, 2023, Jordan explained how he and her mom were set to head to Santa Barbara, where he was planning to ask for Leylah’s mother to marry him.

Leylah, too shocked to speak, then listened while her stepdad informed her he needed to gain the approval of her grandma and grandpa – which he had done – before saying that she was the most important person in her mom’s life.

Jordan then asked Leylah if she was okay, to which she sweetly replied, “Only if your mom’s okay.”

Having informed his stepdaughter that she was, Jordan then showed a beaming Leylah the ring he had planned, before she asked: “Do you know if it’s gonna fit her big ol hand?”


After a successful proposal, Jordan showed Eden the wholesome video he had captured, and said:  “I always knew I wanted to ask the most important people in your life like your parents and siblings, but it just so happened that the most important person in your life is Leylah, so I knew I needed to ask her.

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“Capturing the moment was more of a last minute decision because I was just going to tell you that I asked her, but I really did want to capture the moment, regardless of her reaction, so that we can have it forever – I knew we can only get a moment like that once.”

Speaking of the emotional moment, Eden added: “I am not an outwardly emotional person.

“I don’t like to cry or get very sappy, and I hold all my cards very close to my chest.


“He also knew getting married was something I had come to peace with possibly never doing.

“So, seeing the video broke me, in the best way possible.”

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