
Welcome to the community!

Smileworthy by Happily

You're now part of an amazing community of over 500,000+ people who love to share in uplifting, heart-warming, and positive stories. Our community is a safe and welcoming environment for our members to brighten their day while learning how to live a healthier and happier life.

Make sure you receive our weekly dose of good news

To ensure you receive our newsletters in your main inbox, it's important you add us to your contacts and move Smileworthy to your main inbox. We wouldn't want you missing out on some positivty to kick-start your week! So follow the following quick steps to ensure Smileworthy lands on time:

Apple Mail

Add the address to your contacts

Add the email address that you want to whitelist to your Gmail contacts by hovering over the sender’s name and click the “+” icon (see below):

where to find the key contact information in gmail

Mark messages as ‘Not spam’

If Gmail has a newsletter as spam that you would like to go to your main inbox, you can tell Google to not mark a send as spam like this:

  • Navigate to the Spam folder.
  • Search for emails containing the domain you wish to whitelist (eg example.com).
  • Select all the emails shown.
  • Click More and then Not spam.

Create a filter for the address

This is the most complicated option but will be the most effective at ensuring you receive newsletters to your inbox:

  • Click the gear icon in the top-right corner, and then See All Settings
  • Click on Filters and then Create a new filter
  • Enter the domain of the email you want to whitelist in the From field.
  • Click Create filter with this search
  • In the box headed When a message arrives that matches this search, select:
    • Never send it to spam
    • Categorize as Primary

Where to mark a contact as "important" in gmail

  • Click the “Create filter” button


Where to select the publication you want to whitelist on a Mac interface.

  • Select Mail → Preferences from the menu bar in the Mac Mail app.
  • Click the Rules tab → Add Rule.
  • Type a name in the Description field, such as “Whitelist: beehiiv,” to identify the rule we’re going to add.
  • Make sure the criteria reads If any of the following conditions are met and that the From field is followed by Ends with.
  • Enter the domain name you want to whitelist in the field next to the Ends with field.Add an @ sign before the domain name to make the filter specific. For example, to whitelist all mail from the beehiiv.com domain, type “@beehiiv.com” into the field.
  • In the Perform the following actions section, set the three fields to Move Message, to the mailbox, and Inbox or a different target folder.

Where and how to whitelist a contact on Mac.

  • To save this rule click the Ok button.
  • Success! Now you’re ready to go.
  • To save this rule click the Ok button.
  • Success! Now you’re ready to go.

iOS Mail App

Where to find your missing email in Mac (iOS)

  • Open the Mail App
  • Select the relevant mailbox, then the Junk folder
  • Select the email you want to move to the inbox
  • Click the folder icon at the bottom of the screen
  • Select the Inbox folder you want future messages to go to:
Apple mail inbox
Apple mail inbox

For Outlook.com, Windows Live Mail, Hotmail, and MSN Mail sign in to your account at Outlook.com and do the following:

Add the address to your contacts

Add the email address that is sending you an email (e.g. hello@example.com) to your Outlook.com Contacts:

The place to add a contact to your contacts with Outlook's UI

Add the address to your safe senders

  • Click the cog icon in the top-right corner and then More mail settings
  • Select Safe and blocked senders and then Safe senders
  • Add the domain of the email (eg example.com) you want to whitelist to the list of safe senders
  • Click the cog icon in the top-right corner and then More mail settings
  • Select Safe and blocked senders and then Safe senders
  • Add the domain of the email (eg example.com) you want to whitelist to the list of safe senders

Sign in to your account at Yahoo! Mail and do the following:

Add the address to your contacts

Add the email address that is sending you an email (eg hello@example.com) to your Yahoo! Mail Contacts by clicking on the contacts icon:

image of the yahoo UI and where to add an address

And clicking Add a new contact:

Yahoo UI where to add a new contact

Create a filter for the address

  • Mouse over the Settings menu icon and select Settings
  • Click Filters and then Add
  • Enter a filter name
  • Enter the domain of the email you want to whitelist in the Sender field, or
  • Select Inbox as the folder to deliver the email to
  • Click Save and then click Save again

While you wait for the next newsletter, why not check out some of our most popular stories from communities across America!

Nine-year-old Goes Viral After Opening Car Door to Discover His Brother Who Lives in a Different State

A nine-year-old boy was given a wholesome surprise when he opened the back door of his dad’s car to discover his brother, who he had not seen in half a year.

Woman Who Suffered Third Miscarriage “Ugly Cries” When Boyfriend Surprises Her With Dachshund Puppy

A woman who had just suffered her third miscarriage "ugly cried" when her boyfriend boosted her spirits by surprising her with the puppy she had always dreamed of.

Teenager Freezes in Shock When She Notices Father in Bleachers Has Travelled 15 Hours to Surprise Her for Her Birthday

A teenage basketball player froze stiff when she noticed courtside her father had travelled 15 hours to surprise her for her birthday and watch her play.

Grandma Reads White Board in Hospital to Discover Her Daughter Has Named Daughter After Her

A grandma was brought to tears in a hospital ward when she looked at the whiteboard and discovered that her daughter’s newborn baby had been named after her own grandmother.

Five-year-old Little Leaguer Goes Viral as He Puts Down Bat to Bust Out Dance Moves to His Walkout Song

A five-year-old Little Leaguer has gone viral after he decided to bust a series of dance moves to his walkout song.

Dog Out on Walkies Sniffs “Stranger” Before Realizing It is His Owner Back Home After 10 Months Apart

A dog picks up a familiar scent while walking past a ‘stranger’ during walkies – before excitedly realizing his owner has returned home after 10 months apart.
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