Home Good News Surprise Natural Pregnancy Reveal After 2.5 Years Of Infertility

Surprise Natural Pregnancy Reveal After 2.5 Years Of Infertility

Surprise Natural Pregnancy Reveal After 2.5 Years Of Infertility

A husband is left stunned as his wife asks him to check out a pea in a pod ‘Etsy order’ she made – only to realize it’s really a surprise pregnancy reveal after a long infertility battle.


In May 2018 they welcomed twin boys Theo and Noah through IVF, and, while completely content as a family of four, knew they would eventually try to add to their family.

Lindsay and Anthony Pohl-Hanzlik, from Colorado, USA, had been through two-and-a-half years of infertility and a year-and-a-half of infertility treatment.

Accepting the fact they would be unable to conceive naturally they began saving for IVF for baby number three – whenever they decided to try again – until the unexpected happened.

Two days before the twin’s first birthday, Lindsay discovered she was pregnant and knowing it might be their only surprise pregnancy, wanted to Anthony in a special way.


She created a pea pod with three peas, two the same size and one smaller, with a tag reading ‘Daddy’ and planned to tell him it was a custom order for her Etsy store.

As Lindsay approaches Anthony she asks if he will ship it for her and if he can take a look, before he curiously opens the box to inspect her creation asking ‘triplets?’ She tells him to ‘look again’ and he replies ‘two already there and now a baby?’ looking at Lindsay before the realization of what’s happening spreads across his face.

Anthony asks ‘Are you pregnant? Are you serious?’ before the pair emotionally embrace.

Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media


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