Girl’s Random Act Of Kindness For Rain Lashed Lifeguard

A six-year-old has been filmed marching out onto a wind and rain lashed beach to give a lifeguard some lunch.


Adorable Regan Liddell spotted the lifeguard from the window of her hotel while holidaying in Ocean City, MD, USA, with her mom Kristen and dad Gregory.

Feeling sorry for the man sat on an exposed lookout post with little protection from the harsh elements, little Regan went to the kitchen of the families holiday condo and knocked up a sandwich.

And after talking her mom into walking with her down to the beach, she hand delivered it to the unsuspecting – but happy – lifeguard.

Mom Kristen, from Centre Hall, PA, said: “He was so appreciative and she was so happy to have helped him.


“The weather got so bad we were handing out in the hotel room and she felt real bad that he had to be alone on the beach in the rain and wind.

“It was completely her own idea to make him a ham and cheese sandwich and get him a SunnyD.”

“It was a proud momma moment.”

In the video, the lifeguard – using a beach parasol to try and stop the almost horizontal rain from soaking them – says “thank you sweetheart” as Regan hand delivers him the meal.
