Good NewsAnimal RescueFirefighters Lift Stranded Fawn Out of Drain and Reunite It With Mum

Firefighters Lift Stranded Fawn Out of Drain and Reunite It With Mum

Exclusive to Happily

Four firefighters lifted a stranded fawn out of a drain and reunited it with its mum.

Firemen from Rapid City Fire Department, South Dakota, USA, were called to a distressed baby deer in a culvert on August 15.


Heartwarming footage shows four firefighters split into pairs to block the fawn from escaping.

Two of the firemen eventually lifted the baby out of the culvert and placed it on the grass so it could bound over to its mum.

A spokesperson said: “Animal rescues happen more often than you think. This exact rescue for instance, this crew has done it three times in the same place.

MORE LIKE THIS: Animal Rescuer Rappels Into Drain Culvert to Save Exhausted Fawn


“This fawn had been stranded for 30 minutes before we got to it. Then it took 10 minutes to get it out.

“But we’ve rescued dogs, ducks, cats in trees of course, you name it.”

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