Good NewsInspirationalFamily Shares Inspiring Video of Teen Daughter Picking up Dad Who Is...

Family Shares Inspiring Video of Teen Daughter Picking up Dad Who Is in Wheelchair and Carrying Him Down Steps at Ancient Ruins

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A family has shared an inspiring video of a teenage daughter carrying her father who is wheelchair-bound down a flight of steps at the site of ancient ruins.


In the sweet footage, 17-year-old Malani Ogden can be seen carrying her father, Nathan, 46, on her back while her sister, Cortlyn, 15, carries the wheelchair behind her.

It’s a “team effort,” said Nathan’s wife, Heather, who shared a video of the moment, which took place amongst a series on ruins in Monte Alban, Mexico, on February 18.

Nathan has been quadriplegic for the past 20 years after suffering two separate neck breaks.

At the time of the second break, Nathan and Heather, from Meridian, Idaho, had two small children – Seniya, 2, and Kyler, 11 months – and the couple committed to making a strong family team that could help Nathan through everyday life.

The family shares videos of how the kids help their father on their Instagram account, Rolling With The Oggies, which includes inspiring clips such as Nathan working up to the father-daughter dance at Seniya’s wedding.


They have also headed off on many adventures: the stairs video was shot in Mexico, where they were delivering wheelchairs, and the family rode from Bend, Oregon, where Nathan broke his next, to Los Angeles, 1,200 miles away.

©Rolling With The Oggies / T&T Creative Media
©Rolling With The Oggies / T&T Creative Media

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Through sharing such videos, the family hopes to raise awareness of people with all abilities and also offer a light to show that those who are physically or mentally challenged can still live a normal life.

Speaking of the moment in Mexico, Heather said: “We were in Mexico delivering wheelchairs and went to visit Monte Alban ancient ruins.


“We went to a part of the ruins that had no ramp, but instead of pushing all the way back around the long way, my daughter jumped in and said, ‘Let’s just pack him down.’

“This is a very frequent thing we do, especially in other countries where the accessibility is more difficult.

©Rolling With The Oggies / T&T Creative Media

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“So Malani put Nathan on her back and Cortlyn grabbed his wheelchair and down the large steps we went.

“Everyone has absolutely love this video.


“We want others to be more inclusive of people with different abilities.

“Too often we put limits on those that are already physically or mentally challenged and we want to bust that mindset and let people live life without being held back by the fears of others.”

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