Good NewsParentingDad Surprises Pregnant Daughter Craving Thanksgiving Dinner Months Away

Dad Surprises Pregnant Daughter Craving Thanksgiving Dinner Months Away

Exclusive to Happily

A dad whose pregnant daughter was craving his famous Thanksgiving dinner months ahead of the holiday left her stunned when he surprised her by cooking a full spread.

Martin Graham shares a close bond with daughter Rachael Kuz, from near Tampa Bay, Florida, and over the years he has gone “all out” in preparing dinner for Thanksgiving, his favorite holiday.


During the first trimester of her pregnancy, Rachael, 27, texted her dad a photo of their Thanksgiving dinner from the year before, saying she was craving a plate.

Rachel thought little more of the text, but a few days later she received a message from Martin, 61, inviting the whole family over for a get-together and BBQ.

On the day, Rachel headed to her father’s home, where she walked inside and was greeted by Thanksgiving decorations.

At that point, Martin shouted, “Happy Thanksgiving!” before talking his daughter through the surprise in a wholesome moment captured on video.


There were several smaller touches, too, such as a rerun of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade playing on television.

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The moment took place on September 26, 2023, but Rachael later shared the video on her TikTok in the summer of 2024, following the birth of her baby daughter in March.

She said: “I was shocked – I looked over to the table and thought it was too decorated for a BBQ, but then my dad shouted, ‘Happy Thanksgiving!’


“That’s when I started to put the pieces together and I soon realized I was the only one not in on the surprise.

“I was so overwhelmed and shocked I didn’t know what to say or do, that’s why you don’t see me hugging my dad back immediately.

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“But I definitely gave him so many hugs that evening and thanked him profusely.

“My dad is the king of grand gestures – he has done so many amazing things for me and I am so thankful for him.


“I was overwhelmed by the love he had shown me that day.

“The attention to detail and the way he made it feel like it was really Thanksgiving was so special.

“I know how much work it is to make a huge Thanksgiving meal, and for him to do that for me on a random Tuesday was incredible.”

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