Good NewsBoyfriend Cleverly Manipulates Game Of Taboo So That His Girlfriend Guesses Four...

Boyfriend Cleverly Manipulates Game Of Taboo So That His Girlfriend Guesses Four Special Words

Exclusive to Happily

A creative boyfriend left his girlfriend in stunned silence as he disguised his proposal as a birthday game of Taboo.


The classic game of Taboo sees players guess the word on their partner’s card, which they have to achieve without using the word itself or any of the five similar words listed on the card.

As Daunta Bell, 28, and his girlfriend Christina Hopkins, 27, played the game at their friend’s home in Atlanta, Georgia, they reached a grand total of four words and the person with the timer stopped the game.

A friend in the room – who was in on the act – said that Daunta and Tina had identified three correct words, but Daunta adamantly explained that he and Tina had scored three.

With Tina looking on, Daunta slammed down the cards one by one, revealing the correct words: “Will”, “You”, “Marry”, and “Me.”


Tina let out a passing laugh at the coincide, only to then be stunned into silence when she realized what was happening.

Daunta, who was already down on one knee, then asked if the answer to the question was Yes – Tina welling up at the request.

The moment took place on January 11, and after sharing the video on social media, the couple received goodwill messages from many people they didn’t even know.

Daunta said he was able to set up the surprise because Tina was preparing food when the game as being prepared.


As Tina was looking away, Daunta moved the cards, separated the teams accordingly, and made sure there were two groups ahead of he and his girlfriend’s turn.

He then informed his friend not to stop the timer until his four clues had been guessed, leading to the big reveal.

The couple are planning a house move this summer and then hope to organize a destination wedding.

Tina said: “I was caught so off-guard. 

“I was so into the game that I wasn’t even thinking about it. 


“When I caught on, I just remember feeling so anxious. 

“No matter how much you’ve discussed the future, the moment is always amazing.

“The response has been overwhelming. 

“People have reached out to us from all over the states and across the world. 

“People are needing these fun and encouraging stories in these times.”


Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media


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