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Becky Buckle
Becky graduated from Bournemouth University with a first-class honor in multimedia journalism. After spending her last year at university studying throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, she joined our team with the aim to uplift readers with positive stories. When she’s not writing, Becky enjoys going to music festivals and playing the guitar. You can contact Becky at
Good News
Airman Reunites With Hospital Working Mom After Longest Time Apart
A healthcare worker mom emotionally runs and jumps into her airman daughter’s arms who’d returned home from deployment after the longest the pair had been apart.
Good News
Soldier Surprises Girlfriend With Proposal After Return From Deployment
A soldier returning to home soil after a nine-month deployment surprised his girlfriend by dropping to one knee and proposing with the help of fellow troops.
Good News
Son Plays Prank On Dad As He Surprises Him With His College Acceptance Letter
A son pranked his dad with his college acceptance letter after calling him out to see a “bug” – only for his dad to spot the good news.
Good News
Couple Surprise Parents With Grandchild On Doorsteps Of Their Houses After 50 Days In NICU
A couple left their parents screaming with joy after bringing home their premature baby who spent 50 days in the NICU and leaving him on their doorsteps to capture their reactions.
Good News
Mom Shocked After “Car Collision” Prank Turns Out To Be Reunion With Life-Long Friends
A woman was left screaming in shock after her husband pretended their car had been involved in a “collision” - only for her two best friends to jump out and surprise her on her...