Good NewsAnimal RescueGood Samaritans Rescue Four-week-old Elephant From Mud By Dragging It Out By...

Good Samaritans Rescue Four-week-old Elephant From Mud By Dragging It Out By Ears

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A group of good Samaritans rescued a four-week-old elephant from a mud pool by dragging it out by its ears.


Tertius Lambrechts was leading a tour through Caprivi, Namibia when he spotted the baby animal lying on its side.

Heartwarming footage captured the moment two of the group climbed into the knee-deep mud to grab the exhausted elephant by its tail and ears.

Eventually, the men managed to free the tiny jumbo from its trap, and after a few minutes, it regained enough strength to stand up of its own accord.

Tertius said: “We all were very happy, and it was a good feeling to save him.

“I think it was stuck, maybe, for about four hours. Fortunately, it only took us five minutes to rescue it.


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“We had to climb into the mud and pull it out.

“We had to rescue another one this year and also found one that was dead in the mud. It’s very dry here, so they get stuck often.”

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