A four-year-old girl amazingly took her first steps – defying doctors’ predictions that she would never walk again.
The incredible moment was captured on video by her overjoyed siblings, who literally jumped for joy when she took some tentative steps at their home in Tuscon, Arizona.
Scottie Mae Blair was initially diagnosed as a baby with Angelman syndrome, a rare genetic disorder often associated with severe physical and learning disabilities.
Her parents were told to expect that Scottie Mae would likely be unable to walk, talk, read, or live independently.

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Then, when Scottie Mae was two, her family received unexpected news: she had been misdiagnosed.
Instead, doctors confirmed she had DUP15q syndrome, a related but less severe condition.
This diagnosis gave the family new hope, as Scottie Mae’s potential for hitting major milestones looked more promising, although doctors cautioned that progress would still take time.
The moment Scottie Mae took her first steps was a triumph for her entire family.
Logan told GNN: “Seeing her take her first steps felt so good—like seeing all the work paying off.
In the video captured of the moment, her sisters celebrated wildly – leaping about and screaming with joy.
Mom Logan described them as Scottie Mae’s “biggest cheerleaders,” who are always wanting her to succeed.
So, the moment marked an extra special milestone in her life after years of work to get to this point.

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For three years, Scottie Mae has been attending four types of therapy each week, and Logan credits a supportive team with helping her reach this milestone.
Logan added: “Having a physical therapist who believes in her and knows her potential has made a huge difference.
“This changes everything!”
Logan and the family are helping Scottie Mae get more confident and are hopeful she will get to the point where she can walk unaided for long periods of time.
But for now, the simple fact that Scottie Mae is walking has opened up a world of new possibilities.