Good NewsFunnyBoy Has Dance Party With Stingray at Zoo

Boy Has Dance Party With Stingray at Zoo

Exclusive to Happily

A toddler had a once-in-a-lifetime experience when he visited his local zoo recently, sharing a dance with a boogying stingray.

When Sonny Staff-Valastro, a few weeks away from turning two, headed to the water tank at Melbourne Zoo, Australia, he and his mom, Kayla, were stunned to find a stingray pressed up against the glass with its front in the air.


As Sonny and Kayla approached, the ray started to wiggle its body back and forth in a dancing motion.

Sonny, completely amazed by this, decided to copy the ray’s every move, shaking his body back and forth in time with the creature.

As the wholesome moment played out, Kayla, 30, decided to capture her son and the ray’s synchronized moves on video, which she later shared on her TikTok channel to a viral response.

To date, the video has more than two million views and has been liked by hundreds of thousands of people.


Before leaving, Sonny headed to the glass to give his new friend a kiss.

Kayla, speaking of the November 11 moment, said: “We were walking past the stingray, and it started to move side to side, so Sonny started to dance, thinking he was having a boogie with him.

“It was adorable.

“I laughed because of how cute it was.


“People on social media have also loved it.”

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