
Amy Louise

Amy is a reporter at Happily. After taking a creative writing degree, she has written for various entertainment publications in both the UK and USA. She loves unearthing and sharing good news stories from communities across the country, shining a light on the positive actions of everyday people. When not working, she loves nothing more than taking in a Broadway show or relaxing with her adorable Chihuahua, Jasper.



Teen in Disguise as Waitress Surprises Long-Distance Boyfriend

An American teen had an emotional reunion with his long-distance girlfriend when she traveled from Spain, donned a blonde wig and dressed as a "trainee" waitress in Alabama to surprise him.

Mom Screams With Joy After Daughter Sneaks Ultrasound Photos Into Fast Food Bag

A mom was left in complete shock when she opened up her fast food order and discovered her daughter's ultrasound photo, revealing she is set to become a grandma for the first time.

Students Surprise Cafeteria Worker Who Is Deaf by Learning ASL to Order Their Lunches

A class of elementary school students learned American Sign Language so they could communicate with their school's cafeteria worker, who is deaf.

Chance Meeting Reunites American Adoptee With Biological Family in Vietnam

A woman who was adopted from Vietnam to the U.S. reunited with her biological family after a chance encounter during her vacation.

Long-Lost Daughter Reunited With Colombian Mother in Emotional Embrace

A woman who was 19 when she discovered she had been adopted to the U.S. from Colombia as a baby finally shared her first hug with her biological mom after 30 years.

Dad’s Epic Reaction to Daughter Scoring Her First-Ever Basket Goes Viral

A dad's epic reaction to his daughter scoring her first-ever basket after hours of practice has gone viral.

Bridesmaid Delivers Emotional Speech with Childhood Letter at Wedding

A bridesmaid delivered an emotional wedding speech using a childhood letter the bride had sent to her.

U.S. Man Finds Biological Father in South Korea After 17-Year Search

A 34-year-old man shared an emotional first hug with his biological father in South Korea after traveling from America and spending days trying to find him.

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