Two brothers whose wives are due a day apart decided to team up and surprise their parents with a double pregnancy reveal – resulting in hilarious reactions.
Santino and Primo Thomas, from upstate New York, found out they were to become first-time fathers in February on Primo’s 30th birthday.
When Santino and wife Brittany called Primo to wish him happy birthday, they revealed the news to Primo and his wife Keirsten – but there was more to follow.
After hanging up the phone, Keirsten surprised Primo with his birthday present announcing she too was pregnant.
Over the next several weeks the four attended doctors’ appointments and discovered Brittany and Keirsten are due just one day apart, and plotted how to tell the brother’s parents.
On April 19 they all went home for Easter and prepared a gift for parents Donna and Robert Thomas – two Christmas stockings for the new babies as Donna and Robert put up a stocking display every year for the holidays.

As they open up the gift they discover the first stocking and after taking a moment to realize what was happening they scream in excitement.
But the brothers quickly calm them down revealing there is more… and as they go back to the gift box it clicks what is really going on and they freak out.
Santino said: “Our wives thought about all of the stockings my parents have for our family at Christmas time.
“During the holidays they have a display over the fireplace that includes one for each of them, one for each of their children and their children’s spouses, one for each grandchild, and one for each family pet – it is quite the display.
“Primo and Keirsten picked a Harry Potter stocking because their nursery will be Harry Potter themed. Brittany and I picked a baseball stocking because of my lifelong love and Brittany’s newer love of the game.
Primo and Keirsten Thomas Santino and Brittany Thomas
“On Primo and Keirsten’s stocking it read, “Preemsten Baby” – a tag they’ve used since their wedding combining their names.
“On the stocking from Brittany and I it read, “Baby T-Bird” – a nod to the hashtag I sometimes use on social media for me and my wife in part because it was a nickname someone used to refer to my parents as The T-Birds.
“We put the stockings together, side-by-side, in a gift box and wrapped it with Easter-ish wrapping paper for my parents to open as a gift from the four of us.
“We set up a phone when we walked in, unbeknownst to our parents, and got ready for the big moment.
“As it happened, my dad took several moments to put two and two together. My mom realized what was happening and lost it.

“But, she really didn’t understand – not completely. Her initial reaction was so loud, my dad had to cover his ears.
“We had to calm her down for a moment and get her to focus because there was still more for her to discover.
“All of a sudden my mom realized that she is not only getting one new grandchild, but two. She lost it again and this time there was no holding back.
“It then finally dawned on my dad what was happening and he too realized that he is getting two new grandchildren.
“Tears, hugs, and happiness ensued with more details – including that Brittany and Keirsten are due one day apart in November.
“This news was on the heels of our older sister and her husband having their second child – a baby girl – six weeks prior. Three new babies in one year.
“Nonna, as my mother is known to her grandchildren, and Papa, as my father is known, are thrilled and ready to welcome two new grandchildren.”
(Courtesy of T&T Creative Media)