
Good News

Good news stories to uplift and inspire from communities across America and beyond.

Sisters Brought to Tears When They’re Surprised in U.S. By Sibling and Father From...

A trio of immigrant sisters were brought to tears when they were surprised by their sibling and father, who two had not seen since leaving Mexico more than 25 years ago.

Woman Stunned When She Opens Card Which Reveals Daughter is Adopting and She’s Going...

A mom receiving gifts to celebrate her first day in a new job jumped in the air, screaming in shock when she realized one revealed her daughter had been given a court date to adopt her foster child so she’d be a grandma for the first time.

Sisters Who Were Inspired to Achieve Good Grades Despite Tragically Losing Both Parents Get...

A pair of sisters who were inspired to achieve good grades after their parents’ shock deaths at the start of the school year were given an emotional reward when they were surprised with their first-ever trip to Disneyland.

Wildlife Warrior Dresses as Bird Mom to Encourage Rescued Chick to Drink Water

A wildlife rescuer dressed up as a bird mom to encourage a rescued chick to drink water.

Girl Struggling With Anxiety After Dad’s Life-threatening Accident Surprised With Sausage Dog Puppy to...

A 12-year-old who has been struggling with anxiety after her father was involved in a life-threatening accident burst into tears when she was surprised with a sausage dog puppy to comfort her.

Friends Scream in Shock When They Think They’re Posing for Cute Photo in Cafe...

A pair of friends who thought they were posing for a photo in a local cafe failed to notice their friend's positive pregnancy test was sitting on the table right in front of them.

GALLERY: Grandpa With Dementia Goes Viral When Granddaughter Shares His Amazing Unseen Photos Taken...

A beloved grandpa who spent his adult life traveling the world, taking amazing amateur photographs of animals and landscapes along the way, is finally getting the recognition he deserves, thanks to the help of his granddaughter.

Couple Scream in Shock When They Discover Item Their Daughter Said She’d Mail Cross-country...

A confused couple jumped in shock when they discovered an item their daughter said she’d mail cross-country just a day earlier on their kitchen counter – only for her to enter the room and surprise them.

Grandpa Who Always Dreamed of Disneyland Trip Bursts Into Tears When He’s Finally Surprised...

A beloved grandpa who always loved seeing his family’s photos and souvenirs from their visits to Disneyland wiped away tears when his granddaughter surprised him with his first-ever trip.

Grandma Goes Outside to Investigate and Confront ‘Stranger’ in Her Yard and Gets Surprised...

A gutsy grandma went outside to confront a stranger in her yard only to discover her daughters, who she’d not seen in years, had traveled across the country to surprise her.
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