Teen Jumps Straight Into Older Sister’s Arms When She Returns Home From Navy to...
A teen headed out of school and jumped straight into the arms of her big sister who had been away for a year with the United States Navy.
Toddler Runs for First Time as She Darts Across Daycare and Into Military Dad’s...
A two-year-old girl picked the perfect time to run for the first time as her military father entered her daycare to surprise her after being stationed overseas for six months.
Boy Helping Family Fix ‘Broken’ Car Jumps When He’s Surprised by Military Cousin Returning...
A boy helping his family fix a car jumped back from under the hood in shock when his cousin returned home from deployment to surprise him.
Veteran Has Pure Reaction to Military Son Surprise Reunion After Nine Months Apart
A veteran dad has gone viral after his pure, tear-filled reaction to his military son returning home to surprise him after nine months apart.
Navy Dad Reunites With Daughter After First Time Apart While He Was in Navy...
A three-year-old girl who had never been apart from her father before couldn’t hide her excitement when he returned from Navy basic training and A School after three months to surprise her.
Soldier Surprises Mom Inside Pantry After Completing Basic Training
A proud mom bursts into tears as she opens the door to her pantry to discover her soldier son who she hadn’t seen in four months while he completed basic training.
Soldier Holds Back Tears as Dad Honors Him at Patching Ceremony
A teenager who always dreamed of being a soldier has gone viral after his father shared a video of his son holding back tears of pride during his patching ceremony.
Vietnam Veteran Who Never Got a Hero’s Welcome on Return Home Fights Back Tears...
A Vietnam War veteran who never got a hero’s welcome when he returned home fights back tears as he is greeted by a banner of him erected in his hometown to honor his years of service.
Waitress Mom Cries When She’s Surprised by Military Son Who Had Been Serving Overseas...
A waitress mom froze in shock and burst into happy tears when she was surprised by her military son as she was serving tables.
Boy Dresses as Military Dad Who He Sees as His Hero to Reunite When...
A boy gave his soldier dad who he sees as his hero a sweet surprise when he returned home by waiting for his father at the airport in a matching army uniform.