

The best tear-jerking military homecomings and reunions across all the armed forces.

Boy Brings Military ‘Daddy Doll’ To Daycare Only To Be Surprised By Real Dad...

A boy who brought his military ‘daddy doll’ to show his friends at daycare was left stunned when his real dad walked in to surprise him after returning from a year-long deployment.

Military Best Man Secretly Returns From Deployment Overseas To Surprise Groom On Wedding Day

An emotional groom was brought to tears when his best man, who he thought was on deployment overseas, turned up to surprise him on his wedding day in full military attire.

Military Dad Surprises Kids Who Thought He Was Still In Afghanistan By Hiding Behind...

Four kids were left stunned when they arrived at an airport for a reunion, only to discover their military dad who they thought was still in Afghanistan hiding behind a ‘welcome’ banner.
Pulled over by cops, surprised by military son

Parents Pulled Over By Police Stunned As Military Son Hops Out Of Cop Car...

Shocked parents pulled over by police are left stunned as their military son hops out of the cop car to surprise them on return home from an 11-month deployment in the Middle East.
Restaurant sings to veteran during last meal

Whole Restaurant Sings “Amazing Grace” To Veteran With Terminal Brain Tumor During Last Meal...

A dying military veteran could not stop crying happy tears when an entire restaurant rose to sing "Amazing Grace" during one of his final meals at his favorite restaurant.

Police Officer Brought To Tears When Military Son Surprises Her At Swearing In Ceremony

A police officer burst into tears at her swearing-in ceremony when she discovered her military son who she hadn't seen in two years would be pinning her badge.

Military Dad Surprises His Five Kids In Disney’s Magic Kingdom After A Year-long Deployment In...

Five young siblings were given the surprise of their life when they posed for a photo at Disney’s Magic Kingdom only for their military father to appear in shot.

American Woman Kidnapped At Birth Is Reunited With Family After 25 Years

An American woman who was kidnapped at birth in her native Romania has been reunited with her family after 25 years apart.

Navy Son Surprises Mom After Year Apart By Sneaking Into Business Meeting

A stunned mom leaped out of her chair with joy when she suddenly realized her Navy son, who she had not seen for a year, was sitting opposite her in a business meeting.

Military Dad Surprises Kids As They Receive School Award By Suddenly Appearing From Behind...

Three siblings thought they were simply picking up awards at school - only to be surprised with the greatest trophy of all as their military dad surprised them after returning home.
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