Grandpa’s Heart Overflows With Joy as He’s Caught off Guard by His Grandson’s Surprise...
A hard-working grandpa who hadn’t seen his beloved grandson because he worked 1,000 hours of overtime fought back tears as he was surprised by him.
Family’s Touching Gesture Brings 79-Year-Old Woman Back to the Beach She Loves
Thoughtful husband surprises his mother-in-law with an unforgettable gift: a trip back to the beach she loved before a stroke.
Boy Has Wholesome Reunion With Sisters After Undergoing Brain Surgery
Two sisters beamed with delight as they are given a surprise reunion with their baby brother, who had just undergone brain surgery.
Daughter Records Dad’s Beautiful Reaction to Receiving Permanent Residency in United States
A father leaped for literal joy when he opened a letter to discover he had finally got his permanent residency after years of waiting.
Man Surprised by Grandma After Four Years Apart
A man who thought he was filming a surprise was instead surprised by his grandma, who he had not seen for four years.
Sister’s Shock and Joy at Pregnancy News: “I Didn’t Think She Would Cry So...
Watch the heartwarming moment a sister's tears of joy flow as she learns she's becoming an auntie in a clever pregnancy announcement game.
Family Shares Inspiring Video of Teen Daughter Picking up Dad Who Is in Wheelchair...
A family has shared an inspiring video of a teenage daughter carrying her father who is wheelchair-bound down a flight of steps at the site of ancient ruins.
Police Detective Surprise Girlfriend With Surprise on Stage Proposal as She Graduates From Police...
A police academy graduate was proposed to by her detective boyfriend as she crossed the stage at her graduation.
Military Granddaughter Surprises Grandma On Family Vacation After 3 Years Apart
A grandma was left screaming in shock on her birthday when her military-serving granddaughter flew in to surprise her during a family vacation.
Preemie Baby Gives Mom ‘Bonus Smiles’ When Bathed
A doting mom has shared a sweet video of her preemie baby giving her "bonus smiles" as he enjoys a bath after finally coming home from the NICU.