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Good News

Good news stories to uplift and inspire from communities across America and beyond.

Grandson Surprises Grandma with Long-Lost Heirloom

A tearful grandma was surprised by her grandson with her great-grandmother’s rocking chair, a family heirloom she thought lost.

Good Samaritans Rescue Woman Trapped Under Car

A group of strangers joined forces with police officers to rescue an elderly woman pinned beneath her car in a freak accident.

Three-Year-Old Delivers Big Sister News With Adorable T-shirt Reveal

A three-year-old girl surprised her family when she casually walked towards them in a "Big Sis" t-shirt to announce her mom's pregnancy.

Heartwarming Surprise Blanket of Photos Brings Grieving Grandpa Comfort

A grieving grandpa was surprised with a blanket covered in photos of him and his late wife for Christmas so they could "always be together."

Brave Firefighters Save Horse Trapped in Icy Water

A horse trapped up to its neck in icy water is safe and sound thanks to the quick work of firefighters who pulled it to safety.

The Right to be Forgotten: Newspapers Offer a Clean Slate to Former Offenders

A handful of newsrooms across the US are helping people move on from their past mistakes by giving them the right to be forgotten.

21 States Ring in 2025 with Minimum Wage Increases

Millions of American workers are receiving a pay rise as 21 states increase their minimum wage. It's estimated the changes will boost the incomes of an estimated 9.2 million. The Economic Policy Institute...

New Rule Boosts Credit Scores for 15 Million Americans Burdened by Medical Bills

Millions of Americans will see medical bills removed from their credit reports - eliminating an estimated $49 billion in debt. The landmark move has been finalized by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...

How Donating Blood Could Land You Tickets to Super Bowl LIX

The American Red Cross is offering football fans the ultimate incentive to save lives this winter: a chance to win a trip to Super Bowl LIX.

Newborn Twins Reunite After Nearly Two Days Apart – With One Putting His Arm...

A couple shared the beautiful moment their newborn twins reunited in their mom's arms after birth – with one reaching out to put his arm around the other.
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